Welcome animal lovers!

My name is Lorna, and I run a pet sitting ​business called Whyte Whisker Pet Sitter, based ​in Strathaven, South Lanarkshire, Scotland

(serving Strathaven and surrounding ​communities).

My Services

I offer a bespoke, fully insured, one to one pet sitting service (for cats/kittens, dogs/puppies and small animals), as ​well as a dog walking service. Unlike many others who offer kennels or home boarding, I offer something a little ​different as I know that many pets are simply not suited to cattery or kennel environments. This could be due to a ​number of factors (e.g. age, health conditions or temperament). Therefore, I provide a live in service for dogs; coming ​to your home and staying overnight with your dog(s) providing that much needed company and reassurance ​throughout both day and night.

Looking after your pets in the comfort of their own home minimises and reduces stress and anxiety associated with ​changes of environment and owner absence. If this service sounds like something that would interest you then ​please do not hesitate to get in touch. I would like to stress that I do not provide home boarding in my own home (as ​my cats would most certainly object to that!).

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  • All dog sitting and puppy sitting duties are undertaken such as feeding/watering, administering ​medication, brushing coats, providing mental stimulation and exercise through play, going for lovely ​walks, and providing company, love, cuddles, reassurance and attention whilst their owner is away.

  • All of the dog sitting takes place at your home (I do not offer home boarding at my home), as keeping a ​dog in its own environment helps to minimise the stress of owner absence; sticking to the dog’s usual ​routine/walks and familiar surroundings/scents. Not to mention home comforts for those who are lucky ​enough to be allowed on the sofa!

  • I provide both doggy day care (from as little as one or two hours to a full day) and overnight care for ​your dog in its own home (not mine), therefore if you are looking for a dog friendly live in dog sitter, then ​look no further!

  • I also offer solo walks for your dog(s) only to ensure they have my full attention and get the most out of ​their walkies. If a half hour or an hour's walk would interest you for your canine chum, then please don't ​hesitate to get in touch.

Please visit my dog gallery for images of some of my canine chums.

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Cat owners know that cats are particularly sensitive to changes in their environment, therefore being able ​to stay in their own home, with their own home comforts and familiar surroundings and smells certainly ​helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels whilst you are away; also providing you with that all important ​peace of mind that your cat is happy, content, relaxed and well cared for at home.

For my feline friends:

  • I visit them in their own homes, from one to several times a day (depending on owner preference); ​therefore providing a cat care and cat feeding service.

  • I undertake all cat sitting duties such as feeding/watering, litter tray cleaning, administering ​medication, brushing coats, providing mental stimulation and exercise through play, as well as giving ​lots of love, cuddles and attention.

  • I am an experienced cat owner myself, and also fostered cats and kittens (many of whom were feral or ​semi feral). With lots of love, patience and dedication I managed to rehabilitate all of the feral ​cats/kittens under my care to allow them to move on to their forever homes.

Please see my cat gallery for images of some of my feline friends.

Small Animals

Rabbit Sketch

Similar to the cat pop in service, for small animals (such as birds, fish (indoor and ​outdoor), hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits etc.):

  • I visit them in their own homes, from one to several times a day (depending on owner ​preference)

  • I undertake all small animal sitting duties such as feeding/watering, cage/hutch ​cleaning, administering medication, brushing coats/fur, and providing lots of love, ​cuddles and attention (for those wishing so of course!)

Cat Gallery

Dog Gallery

My Location

Some reviews can be found on my Facebook page, on Google and on Yell. ​Images of some of my furry friends can be found in the image galleries and ​many more can be found on my Facebook site.

Contact Me

Please do not hesitate to contact me on 07920549001 or ​by any of the methods below to enquire about my rates ​and availability

Mobile Phone Icon
email icon email  text message letter text
Simple Facebook Icon

My Animal-Related Qualifications

  • Feline First Aid Diploma
  • Canine First Aid Diploma
  • Understanding Feline Anxiety Diploma
  • Understanding Canine Anxiety Diploma
  • Canine Behaviour Training Diploma
  • Veterinary Assistant Diploma
  • Feline Behaviour and Psychology Diploma

Privacy Policy

This privacy notice explains in detail what types of personal information I collect from ​you. It also explains how I will store and use your data to keep it safe. I am registered ​as a data controller at the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO); under ​registration number ZB668936.

Your privacy is therefore extremely important to me, as such, I am committed to ​handling your information in accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act ​2018. This means that your personal information will be:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
  • Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
  • Only collected so far as required for my lawful purposes
  • As accurate and up-to-date as possible
  • Retained for a reasonable period of time in accordance with my retention policies
  • Processed in a manner which ensures an appropriate level of security

Data protection laws set out the legal bases that I can rely on when processing your ​personal data. These include:

  • Consent. In specific situations, I can collect and process your personal ​information with your consent.
  • Contractual Obligation. In certain circumstances, I need your personal ​information to comply with my contractual obligation to provide you with my ​services.
  • Legal Compliance. If the law requires me to, I may need to collect and process ​your personal information.
  • Legitimate Interest. In specific situations, I may require your data to pursue my ​legitimate interests in a way which might reasonably be expected as part of ​running my business, and which does not materially impact your rights, freedom ​or interests.

I cannot provide you with the service required without collecting some personal ​information from you. If you choose not to share the required personal information ​with me, I may not be able to provide the service(s) that you have asked for, and I will ​notify you if this is the case.

What personal information do I collect?

I collect the following personal information from clients/potential clients by way of a ​questionnaire to be completed and emailed back to me:

  • Name, address, email address, telephone number, emergency contact name, ​address and telephone number.

I may also collect:

  • Records of enquiries, meetings, emails and written correspondence and other ​direct engagement.
  • Transactional data – details about transactions to and from you and details about ​services you purchase from me.

Where do I collect personal information from?

I collect personal information from you in many ways. These include:

  • Directly from you – for example, from telephone conversations, emails and ​written correspondence and meetings with you (including the client questionnaire ​form you complete and email to me when booking my services)
  • From other organisations/people that refer you to me, such as other professional ​pet sitters/dog walkers and my network of contacts.
  • The internet and networking and social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook ​and WhatsApp.

How I use your personal information?

I will only process personal information where I believe I have a lawful basis to do so. ​The basis for processing will vary from activity to activity. In some instances, ​processing may have more than one lawful basis.

Your completed questionnaire will be:

  • Printed and stored securely in a locked cabinet when not in use
  • Securely saved in a password protected device
  • Removed from the locked cabinet only when providing my service, and will be
  • Returned to the locked cabinet on service completion

Any personal data provided will be used by me to:

  • Provide my service to you and your pet(s) only
  • Provide relevant information to a Veterinary practice in relation to your pet(s) in ​the event of a medical emergency (i.e. to ensure your pet(s) gets any necessary ​Veterinary care)
  • Ensure I comply with any legal obligations that may be imposed upon me (e.g. by ​Police or animal welfare etc. in relation to your pet(s) or your home)

Your telephone number will be:

  • Stored on my mobile phone with only your name and a pet’s name. This mobile is ​pin protected, and only I know the pin to gain access.

Photos/videos taken of your pet(s):

  • Will be shared directly with you, via Facebook messenger or WhatsApp, only if you ​have specified that you would like this to happen
  • May be uploaded to Whyte Whisker Pet Sitter Facebook page or website (but only ​if you have agreed to this in your completed questionnaire)

Any keys belonging to you will be:

  • Kept in a locked cabinet in my house, and will only be taken out and carried by me ​when providing my service to you and your pet(s), and will be
  • Returned to you as agreed, or at your request

Please note that under UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you are ​entitled to ask me to amend any incorrect personal data I hold on you, or delete or ​destroy your personal data if you no longer wish to use my services. I will only retain ​your data for as long as reasonably necessary in order to fulfil the purposes for which ​it was collected.

What I do not do

I do not use client personal information for profiling, nor do I use your personal ​information for direct marketing. I do not use your personal information for any ​automated decision making and I do not sell, rent or distribute your personal ​information to any third party.

Who I may share your personal information with

Some of the processing activities set out above may require me to share personal ​information with third parties. Whenever I share personal data, I take all reasonable ​steps to ensure it will be handled appropriately and securely by the third party. I do ​not allow any third-party with whom I share your personal data to use it for their own ​purposes, and only permit them to process your personal data (i) for specified ​purposes and (ii) in accordance with my instructions.

The following is a list of the main third parties who I may share personal information ​with:

  • Microsoft and/or Google Cloud Services.
  • Financial banking/accounting software
  • The police and other law enforcement agencies, HMRC and other government ​bodies
  • The Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO)
  • My insurers

For practical reasons, this is an indicative, but not exhaustive list.

Please also note that the list may be updated from time to time.

Data security

I have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from ​being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or ​disclosed.

I have also put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach ​and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where I am legally ​required to do so.

How long do I retain your personal information for?

The period for which I retain personal information depends on the purpose for which ​the information was obtained. In general terms, I will retain personal data for so long ​as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes I collected it for, including by law or as ​may be required for record keeping and legal claims purposes. I may retain your ​personal data for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if I reasonably believe ​there is a prospect of litigation in respect of my relationship with you.

Changes to my privacy statement

I keep this privacy statement under regular review and will place any updates on my ​website.

This privacy policy was last updated on 27 March 2024.

Contact information and further advice

Whyte Whisker Pet Sitter

11 Lochaber Road, Strathaven, South Lanarkshire

ML10 6HZ

Telephone: 07920549001


I seek to resolve directly all complaints about how I handle personal information, but ​you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s ​Office, whose contact details are as follows:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone – 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745
